Monday, July 29, 2013


So the past few days have been pretty good. There are things around the house to remind me when I am busy of what the circumstances may be. Whether it's Lexi's ultrasound pictures hanging on the refrigerator or tons of handouts we have been given on her conditions. Her ultrasound looks so perfect in every way. It's so hard to look at those and think she has conditions to threaten her life. Her picture really looks like all our other children's ultrasounds. You know the profile picture they usually try to capture. We continue to have faith. Believe it or not when I come across people that know our story and stop to give me encouragement I haven't cried the past couple of times. I really am trying to have joy with her as long as I can and God has given me peace to do that.

On July 27th in the middle of the night I felt Lexi for the first time really kick. Not a butterfly touch, but a real jolt. It was truly a wonderful feeling. I haven't been sleeping that much at night, it's a very broken sleep. So to be able to feel that when no one else was awake in the midst of the night when my thoughts are usually on what might be based on her diagnosis, well it was emotional to say the least. The next morning, Sunday, July 28th, I was laying in bed still trying to wake up and get myself ready for church. I was so exhausted, Lexi kicked again. I rolled to my back and put both hands on my stomach to try to feel her kick with my hands. I wanted so much to feel that little jolt with my hands. After just a second I felt her little kick. I was surprised to feel anything from Lexi only because from the articles or blogs I have read on Triploidy children, the parents typically didn't feel them often if at all. I am currently almost 21 weeks, but she is measuring 2 weeks behind so I really hadn't anticipated feeling her anytime soon if at all. I felt our 3 yr. old at 21 weeks pregnant. I called Stevie in there to see if he could possibly feel her, I wanted him to be able to feel her so badly, but that was it. Here's hoping to more little kicks from our sweet Lexi.

There are so many things that make you think maybe the doctors are completely wrong about our Lexi. Perfect looking ultrasound, hearing her heartbeat again, and feeling her kick are all things that make us hopeful. I do know what the amnio results are, I am not in denial, just keeping our faith that God can and will heal her. I pray that at our next ultrasound that they are baffled at what God has done. No matter the outcome, I hope to keep telling His story on our little Lexi's life. We are blessed!

Thank you for your prayers!

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